Sunday, May 29, 2022

ICT as Medium for Advocacy

1. How Information and Communications and Technology (ICT) has transformed the educational methodologies when you were in grade school and now in Senior High School?

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had a significant impact on our educational methodologies. When I was in grade school, we used traditional teaching methods in which the teacher was the primary source of information and we, the students, were passive recipients. All of the activities, assignments, and projects are completed using textbooks as a guide. Finding the right information back then was a real pain. Now that I am in Senior High School, ICT has transformed education with the help of new technology, making it very easy for us to find and search for all of the information and answers we need for our projects and assignments using the internet.

2. Consider the following for comparison

a. The singing of the national anthem (form a line, sing the national anthem with conductor)

During my grade school, we (students) sang the National Anthem by forming a line together with our teachers. But now in my senior high school, we can now sing the National Anthem in our virtual classroom with a video presentation on a projector

b. Concept notes

During my grade school, we used to write summaries and notes in our notebooks. But now in my senior high school, we can now quickly photograph our notes, download/share them, and type our text using Microsoft Word on the computer or cellphone.

c. Presentation of visual aids

In my grade school, I could remember how many manila papers and cartolina are being used by our teacher just to teach us since it was a very common visual aids before. But now in my senior high school, teachers and students used PowerPoint Presentation to present their visual aids.

d. Class record

During my grade school, teachers used to bring a manual class record book with them to record students' grades. But now in my senior high school, teachers use Microsoft Excel to input student scores, and the computer then computes the results. 

e. Class dismissal

During my grade school, we are instructed to fall in line and we get dismissed one by one. But now in my senior high school, we get dismissed when the teacher say "goodbye class!" in the screen and then everyone would reply "goodbye Ma'am/Sir".

f. Assignment and research

During my grade school, I usually completed my assignments and research on my own, using books as a reference. But now in my senior high school, thanks to technological advancements, we can now easily answer our assignments and conduct research with the help of internet. It much better nowadays



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ICT as Medium for Advocacy

1. How Information and Communications and Technology (ICT) has transformed the educational methodologies when you were in grade school and n...